This is the second post on inheritance in JavaScript. In the first post we have seen that how to use proto, and prototype to implement inheritance in JavaScript. However, as the property __proto__ is not conveniently available (for example in IDE and such), another way to write the same thing would be to use Object.create.

In this post we are going to discuss that.

Object.create and inheritance

The syntax of Object.create is as follows:

Object.create(proto[, propertiesObject])

Object.create creates an object, prototype of which is of type as provided by proto. By using the second and optional propertiesObject additional properties to be added to the newly created object can be specified. Though, it can be useful to provide closure, we are skipping that discussion for now (Refer this).


// create an object that does not inherit from anything.
var obj = Object.create(null);
console.log(obj.__proto__); // undefined

// create derv that inherit from base
var base = { b: "base" };
var derv = Object.create(base, {
    d: {
        get: function () { return "derived"; }

console.log(derv.d);                    // derived
console.log(derv.b);                    // base
console.log(derv.__proto__ === base);   // true

So, how Object.create can be used to implement inheritance? Well, we know that for inheritance we need Derived.prototype.__proto__ = Base.prototype. From the above example, we can see that Object.create assigns base to derv.__proto__. Then to implement inheritance with Object.create, we simply need to do Derived.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype).

However, there are couple of things to note here. We’ll discuss these with our working example of Animal and Bird (check first post).

function Animal() {}
Animal.prototype.walk = function () { console.log("Walk"); }

function Bird() {} = function () { console.log("Fly"); }

// inherit from Animal
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

// now lets create a Bird object.
var bird = new Bird();

// and check for type of bird
console.log("Is bird a Bird? " + (bird instanceof Bird) + ", Is bird an Animal? " + (bird instanceof Animal));           // Is bird a Bird? true, Is bird an Animal? true // works!
bird.walk();        // Walk;         // TypeError: is not a function // Wait... what?

We see that in the above example, does not work. The reason for that is very simple. fly is defined on Bird.prototype. However, after defining fly on Bird.prototype, Bird.prototype was replaced, and thus, the fly is not accessible any more. Therefore, the trick is to declare any member on Derived.prototype after Derived.prototype is assigned Object.create(Base.prototype). Thus, the correction for this problem would be as follows.

// Omitting Animal for brevity
function Bird() {}
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype); = function () { console.log("Fly"); }

var bird = new Bird();
console.log("Is bird a Bird? " + (bird instanceof Bird) + ", Is bird an Animal? " + (bird instanceof Animal));           // Is bird a Bird? true, Is bird an Animal? true
bird.walk();        // Walk;         // Fly // works!

However, it still has one caveat though. Remember that prototype of every function has a property called constructor, which points to the function itself? So, from MDN we know that prototype.constructor

Returns a reference to the Object constructor function that created the instance object. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself…

So, lets see what happens to prototype.constructor with this implementation of inheritance.

// Omitting more code for brevity
function Bird() {}
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

var bird = new Bird();
console.log(bird.constructor); // [Function: Animal] // Why?

In the example we see that bird.constructor refers to Animal. So, this is obvious as Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype); also assigns Animal.prototype.constructor (which is Animal) to Bird.prototype.__proto__.constructor. So, if we leave our inheritance implementation at this, we violate the definition of prototype.constructor. Then, it is a good practice to restore the constructor.

// Omitting more code for brevity
function Bird() {}
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
Bird.prototype.constructor = Bird;

var bird = new Bird();
console.log(bird.constructor); // [Function: Bird]

And that’s all for this post. Note that we have not discussed regarding inheriting the statics and other instance-scoped properties in this post, as those stays more or less same. Thus, a mere repetition will not add much value. So, keeping this post short, we can stop here for now.

Hope this helps.