After years of working with .NET, SQL, and C#, for last couple of years I am working with TypeScript, Aurelia, Node.js, and Webpack (of course after working with SystemJs). Finally, now I have got the chance and the time to formally learn JavaScript. :smile:

As I am thoroughly enjoying the learning, I decided to jot down some rough notes about that. So, there will be a series of posts about inheritance in JavaScript, and certainly we will be talking about proto, prototype & Co. in these posts.

Therefor, the posts are more for me, rather than for you. If you like it then it is a bonus for me. :smile: If you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

What is __proto__?

Every JavaScript object has a property called __proto__. Example:

var obj = {a: 10};
console.log(obj);           // { a: 10 }
console.log(obj.__proto__); // {}

The example above shows that __proto__ of obj is defined but empty.

When we try to access the member of an object (like object.member), JavaScript looks up for the member in __proto__ of the object if the member is not found in the object itself (like object.__proto__.member). If the member is still not found in object.__proto__, then it tries for object.__proto__.__proto__.member

till either: it is found or the latest .__proto__ itself is null. This explains why JavaScript is said to support prototypal inheritance out of the box. - From TypeScript Deep Dive.


var obj = {
    a: 10
obj.__proto__.a = 20;

console.log(obj.a); // 10

delete obj.a;

console.log(obj.a); // 20

What is prototype?

Every function f in JavaScript also has a property called prototype, which has a property constructor which points to f itself. Example:

function MyFun() {}
console.log(MyFun);                                 // [Function: MyFun]
console.log(MyFun.__proto__);                       // [Function]
console.log(MyFun.prototype);                       // MyFun {}
console.log(MyFun.prototype.constructor);           // [Function: MyFun]
console.log(MyFun.prototype.constructor === MyFun); // true

__proto__ and inheritance


Because JavaScript tries to fetch member from __proto__ recursively, __proto__ is useful to implement prototypical inheritance. A simple way to implement inheritance would be to assign <Base>.prototype to __proto__.__proto__ to an object, which wants capabilities of <Base>. Example:

// We have two classes (function in pure JavaScript) Animal, and Bird
function Animal() {}
Animal.prototype.walk = function () { console.log("Walk"); }

function Bird() {} = function () { console.log("Fly"); }

var bird = new Bird();;         // Fly
bird.walk();        // Throws error.

// However, if we do the following, then...
bird.__proto__.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;
// ... it works.
bird.walk(); // Walk

console.log("Is bird a Bird? " + (bird instanceof Bird) + ", Is bird an Animal? " + (bird instanceof Animal));  // Is bird a Bird? true, Is bird an Animal? true

We note here that fly is defined on Bird.prototype, and we access that from bird object. This is possible as fly is made available to bird.__proto__, by new Bird().

In fact, var bird = new Bird() assigns Bird.prototype to bird.__proto__. In JavaScript, this makes all members defined on class’ prototype level (i.e. Type.prototype, here Bird.prototype) to the instances of that class (Refer this).

The fact that bird.__proto__ === Bird.prototype enables us to write the inheritance for the Bird class from Animal class more concisely, as follows.

// We have two classes (function in pure JavaScript) Animal, and Bird
function Animal() {}
Animal.prototype.walk = function () { console.log("Walk"); }

function Bird() {} = function () { console.log("Fly"); }
Bird.prototype.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;  //<-- Nice!

var bird = new Bird();;         // Fly
bird.walk();        // Walk

console.log("Is bird a Bird? " + (bird instanceof Bird) + ", Is bird an Animal? " + (bird instanceof Animal));  // Is bird a Bird? true, Is bird an Animal? true

Note: From MDN:

The instanceof operator tests whether an object in its prototype chain has the prototype property of a constructor.

Accessing instance-scoped properties of base class

So far our inheritance implementation works quite good. Let’s consider other scenarios. With inheritance, we can access the instance-scoped properties of the class. Let’s see if we can do that using our implementation of inheritance. For this, we add some new properties to the classes (such as claws in Animal, and wings in Bird).

function Animal() { this.claws = "An animal has claws"; }

function Bird() { this.wings = "A bird has wings"; }
Bird.prototype.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;

var bird = new Bird();
console.log(bird.wings); // A bird has wings
console.log(bird.claws); // undefined

We see that using our current implementation, we can’t access the instance-scoped property claws which is defined in Animal.

However, before delving into that, let’s quickly discuss what this means with new Bird(). From TypeScript Deep Dive:

… let’s look at effect of new on this inside the called function. Basically this inside the called function is going to point to the newly created object that will be returned from the function. …


var bird = new Bird();
console.log(bird.wings);           // A bird has wings
console.log(bird.__proto__.wings); // undefined

From the example we see that this in the function eventually points to bird object (instance of Bird), and thereby making all the properties declared on this inside the function, available to the bird object. Additionally we also note that wings exists directly on bird object and not on bird.__proto__.

Therefore, to reuse the properties defined in base classes from the instance of the derived classes, we need to put the properties of base class to the this object of derived class. The common way to achieve this is to call the constructor of base class from the constructor of derived class (like we do in C#, or Java).

function Animal() { this.claws = "An animal has claws"; }

function Bird() {; // Calling the constructor of Animal, passing this as current object.
    this.wings = "A bird has wings";
Bird.prototype.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;

var bird = new Bird();
console.log(bird.wings); // A bird has wings
console.log(bird.claws); // An animal has claws

So the trick to call the constructor of Animal class is to use; in constructor of Bird. Here we need a few words about From MDN:

The call() method calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided individually.

Syntax:, arg1, arg2, ...)

Where thisArg is

The value of this provided for the call to a function. …

and arg1, arg2, ... are

Arguments for the function.

A quick example of is following.

function aggregate(prefix) {
    console.log(`${prefix} ${this.prop1+this.prop2}`);

var thisObj1 = { prop1: 10, prop2: 20 };
var thisObj2 = { prop1: "Hello", prop2: "World" };, "thisObj1 aggregated:"); // thisObj1 aggregated: 30, "thisObj2 aggregated:"); // thisObj2 aggregated: HelloWorld

We see that based on different values of thisArg parameter we can produce different results from the same function.

And this is what is done to inherit the instance-scoped properties from the Base class. So we call from the constructor of Derived, where this points to the instance of Derived being constructed, and thereby putting the properties of Base to the instance of Derived.

Accessing static members of base class

We are almost done. One last thing is to inherit the static members. Yes, using JavaScript that is possible. However, the first question is to how to have static members in classes in JavaScript.

Well, static members roughly refers to the members those are tied with class and not to the instances of the class, and thus when the static members are updated, the updated value is available to all the instances of the class. So, we access the static members are accessed like ClassName.staticMember, or ClassName.staticMethod(), and that is what we need to implement the static members in class. Example:

function StaticDemo(prop1) {
    this.instanceProp = prop1;
StaticDemo.staticProp = 0;          // a static property
StaticDemo.prototype.print = function () {
    console.log(`Instance prop: ${this.instanceProp}, static prop: ${StaticDemo.staticProp}`);

var instance1 = new StaticDemo(10);
instance1.print();                  // Instance prop: 10, static prop: 1
var instance2 = new StaticDemo(20);
instance1.print();                  // Instance prop: 10, static prop: 2
instance2.print();                  // Instance prop: 20, static prop: 2

Therefore, to create a static property on class, we can simply define a property on the Class, like it is done for StaticDemo.staticProp. Recalling that var instance = new Class() assigns the Class.prototype to instance.__proto__, a class member defined not on prototype and directly on Class instead, does not get tied with instances created and rather stays attached with the Class. And that’s how the static properties are created in JavaScript.

Then how to inherit the static members? Well, that is just a simple matter of copying the member (value-copy for simple-typed member, and reference-copy for object-typed member) from one place to another. So to do that we need another piece of function, as shown below.

var inheritStatics = function (derived, base) {
    for (var p in base)
        if (base.hasOwnProperty(p)) derived[p] = base[p];

From documentation in MDN:

A loop only iterates over enumerable properties.

and from hasOwnProperty() documentation in MDN:

The hasOwnProperty() method returns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property as own (not inherited) property.

The function inheritStatics copies the properties defined on base to derived. In general, base, and derived can be any two general objects. Example:

var obj1 = {
    prop1: 1,
    innerObj: {
        inner1: 10

var obj2 = {
    propa: "A"

inheritStatics(obj2, obj1);
console.log(obj2);                            // { propa: 'A', prop1: 1, innerObj: { inner1: 10 } }
console.log(obj1.innerObj === obj2.innerObj); // true //<-- reference of the object is copied.

Lastly, we see it in action for inheriting statics from base class to derived class.

function Animal() {
    this.claws = "An animal has claws";
// a static property
Animal.population = 0;
// a static method
Animal.printPopulation = function () {
    console.log(`Bird population: ${Bird.population}, Fish population: ${Fish.population}, Animal population: ${Animal.population}`);

function Bird() {;
    this.wings = "A bird has wings";
inheritStatics(Bird, Animal);
Bird.prototype.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;

function Fish() {;
    this.fins = "A fish has fins";
inheritStatics(Fish, Animal);
Fish.prototype.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;
// override the static method
Fish.printPopulation = function(){
    console.log(`From Fish.printPopulation: Bird population: ${Bird.population}, Fish population: ${Fish.population}, Animal population: ${Animal.population}`);

new Bird();
Animal.printPopulation();   // Bird population: 1, Fish population: 0, Animal population: 1
new Bird();
Bird.printPopulation();     // Bird population: 2, Fish population: 0, Animal population: 2
new Fish();
Fish.printPopulation();     // From Fish.printPopulation: Bird population: 2, Fish population: 1, Animal population: 3
new Fish();
Animal.printPopulation();   // Bird population: 2, Fish population: 2, Animal population: 4
console.log(Animal.printPopulation === Bird.printPopulation, Animal.printPopulation === Fish.printPopulation);      // true false

So, yes, on ground level that’s all we need to implement inheritance in JavaScript. This is quite something right?

Well, this has been a long post, as per my standard. However, there is still somethings left to discuss on this topic, which I am going to discuss on future posts (second post).

Hope this helps.