Disclaimer: This post is moved as is (with minor formatting change) from my old blog.

Variant 1: Filtering a .net simple type array using delegate

Using delegate to filter an array of integers. Delegate takes two arguments, one is the value from the array and the second one is the number, the array member with value greater than this number will be returned (filtered). Declaration:

public static class Common
    public delegate bool IntFilter(int value, int number);
    public static int[] FilterArrayOfInts(int[] ints, IntFilter filter)
        ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
        foreach (int i in ints)
            if (filter(i, 30))
        return (int[])aList.ToArray(typeof(int));

public class Filters
    public static bool GreaterThanNumber(int value, int number)
        return value >= number;


int[] targetArray = { 10, 20, 30, 60, 50, 25 };
int[] filteredArray = Common.FilterArrayOfInts(targetArray, Filters.GreaterThanNumber);
Console.WriteLine("====Filtered Array====");
foreach (int num in filteredArray)



Variant 2: Filtering a complex type array using delegate

Filtering an array of Target class on Age property. Declaration:

public static class Common
    public delegate bool ObjectFilter<TEntity>(TEntity obj,
        string property, int number) where TEntity : class;

    public static TEntity[] FilterObjectArray<TEntity>(
        TEntity[] objs, string property, ObjectFilter<TEntity> filter)
        where TEntity : class
        List<TEntity> list = new List<TEntity>();

        foreach (TEntity obj in objs)
            if (filter(obj, property, 30))

        return list.ToArray();

public class Filters
    public static bool ObjGreaterThanNumber<TEntity>(TEntity obj,
        string property, int number) where TEntity : class
        return Convert.ToInt32(
                .GetValue(obj)) > number;

Target Class:

public class TargetClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }


TargetClass[] objs = new TargetClass[] {
                new TargetClass{Name="Holmes",Age=60},
                new TargetClass{Name="David",Age=40},
                new TargetClass{Name="Dorian",Age=20}

Console.WriteLine("====Filtered Objects====");
foreach (TargetClass tobj in 
        Common.FilterObjectArray(objs, "Age", Filters.ObjGreaterThanNumber))
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + tobj.Name + " | Age: " + tobj.Age);



Variant 3: Filtering a complex type array using Func expression

Filter an array of Target class(refer previous example in Variant 2 for Target Class definition and objs array) using Func expression. Declaration:

public static class Common
    public static TEntity[] FilterObjectArrayUsingFuncExpression<TEntity>(
        TEntity[] objs, Func<TEntity,bool> func) where TEntity : class
        List<TEntity> list = new List<TEntity>();

        foreach (TEntity obj in objs)
            if (func(obj))

         return list.ToArray();


Console.WriteLine("====Filtered Objects using Func expression====");

foreach (TargetClass tobj in 
            tc => tc.Name.Contains("i")))
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + tobj.Name + " | Age: " + tobj.Age);



Variant 4: Filtering a complex type array without any loop (Using System.Array class)

Filter an object array of Target class using a delegate and System.Array class. Declaration:

public static class Common
    public delegate bool AgeFilter<TEntity>(TEntity obj) where TEntity : class;

    public static TEntity[] FilterObjectsUsingArrayClass<TEntity>(
        TEntity[] objArray, AgeFilter<TEntity> filter) where TEntity : class
        return Array.FindAll(objArray, new Predicate<TEntity>(filter));

public class Filters
    public static bool AgeGreaterThan30<TEntity>(
        TEntity obj) where TEntity : class
        return Convert.ToInt32(
                .GetValue(obj)) > 30;


Console.WriteLine("====Filtered Objects using Array Class====");

foreach (TargetClass tobj in 
    Common.FilterObjectsUsingArrayClass(objs, Filters.AgeGreaterThan30))
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + tobj.Name + " | Age: " + tobj.Age);



As always, don’t hesitate to correct me.

Hope this helps.